Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Birthday wishes

In one week, I turn 39. I'm catching some heat for not having a birthday wish list. There's also Father's day in June. So, I put together some ideas at www.findgift.com. Almost all are at least half-off or on clearance.

One suggestion: sign up with igive.com and a portion of the proceeds from your shopping will go to the charity or cause of your choice.

My Registry


... to the blog of Derek Birnie. This may turn out to be somewhat utilitarian. You may find references to movement politics, conservation, music, outdoor pursuits, literature, parenting (twins in particular), home improvement and a variety of other topics - not to mention insider messages to friends and family.

For more riveting stuff, see http://birnietwins.blogger.com

If you're here, it means I sent you here for something in particular. I hope you find it and don't find the rest of the stuff too arcane.